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 Entertainment Archive 2020

A Save Bless This Mess petition has been started on Change dot org
by Nathan'ette Burdine: May 26, 2020

A young lady name Michelle Thomas has started a petition on Change dot org to save the ABC comedy, Bless This Mess, from cancellation.

    “Bless This Mess is a brilliant, creative, unique, and hilarious
     comedy, filled with so much heart. The voice is impactful and
     intelligent, which is unlike many other shows on the air. The story
     is fresh, fun, and provides a positive view and it’s heartbreaking
     that the writers and cast will not get to give it a proper goodbye.
     It is a disservice to cancel this show before it has had the
     opportunity to reach it’s full audience,” is what Michelle Thomas
     wrote on the Save Bless This Mess petition page on Change dot

The last time I checked, the petition had 579 signatures, which is 421 signatures from the goal of 1,000. The Save Bless This Mess campaign did get the attention of Bless This Mess cast member JT Neal (Jacob Bowman) who tweeted:

Bless This Mess is one of five shows (Emergence, Schooled, Single Parents, and Kids Say The Darndest Thing) that ABC cancelled. Some of the shows the network has renewed are American Housewife, The Connors, The Goldbergs, Grey’s Anatomy, and The Good Doctor.

Mel, a Bless This Mess fan, went to Variety’s comments section where he or she wrote this about the show being cancelled: “BLESS and SINGLE PARENTS were great shows on a very boring broadcast plate…another reason why it’s so hard to keep coming back to a show because they will get cancelled anyway."

After hearing about the show’s fate, some of the Bless This Mess’ cast members tweeted out their views about the show’s cancellation.

Bless This Mess was created by Lake Bell and Elizabeth Meriwether. The show’s about a young couple, Mike (Dax Shepard) and Rio (Lake Bell), who find themselves in a mess after they move from New York City to Bucksnort, Nebraska, in order to bring back Mike’s Aunt Maggie’s home and farm that he inherited.

They run into all kinds of problems like the soil being dead, squatters taking up residents in their barn, and salty neighbors, Beau (David Koechner) and Kay Bowman (Lennon Parham). Just in case y’all are wondering, the squatters are Rudy (Ed Begley Jr.) and his chicken Angelica and his goat Teresa, who’s named after his ex-wife.

Yeah, Rudy has problems. But hey, we all do. And that’s the point of Bless This Mess. We’re all in a mess because of the curve balls that life is constantly throwing at us. It’s just that some of us are able to knock those curve balls out of the park because we have a community of folks, like Mike and Rio and Rudy have, who helps us to pull through our messes.

Hopefully, Michelle Thomas’ petition will get the attention that other shows like Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Lucifer received after launching a petition on Change dot org.

If y’all remember correctly, Brooklyn Nine-Nine got 39,449 signatures and Lucifer got 304,510 signatures. The fans’ outpouring support led to both shows finding new homes with Brooklyn Nine-Nine leaving Fox and going over to NBC, and the NBC show Lucifer going over to Netflix.

Like Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Lucifer, Bless This Mess is a really good show that doesn’t deserve to be axed. And it most definitely doesn’t deserve to be axed with only two seasons under its belt.

Hopefully, other network executives will see Bless This Mess’ value and pick it up for another season or two…or three.

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